Anaerobic culture methods
- Anaerobic bacteria require incubation without oxygen.
- However, some anaerobes (e.g. Clostridium histolyticum) are aero-tolerant which may produce some growth on the surface of aerobic plates.
- There are some bacteria which are strict anaerobes (Clostridium tetani).
- Anaerobiosis can be established by the following methods.
Methods of Anaerobiosis
1) By displacement of oxygen
i) Cultivation in vacuum in a vacuum dessicator has been tried but proved to be unsatisfactory.
ii) Displacement of oxygen by inert gas like hydrogen or nitrogen is done from a sealed jar loaded with inoculated media.
- The drawbacks in this method include repeated evacuation and refilling.
- Moreover, oxygen can never be removed completely.
- An effective but widely tried method is the use of candle.
- A lighted candle is kept in an airtight container loaded with inoculated plates.
- Although it is expected that the burning candle will use all the available oxygen inside before it gets extinguished.
- But practically, some amount of oxygen is always left behind.
2) Absorption of oxygen by chemicals
a) Pyrogallic acid
- Buchner (1888) first introduced alkaline pyragallol for anaerobiosis which absorbs oxygen.
- This method has subsequently been used with different modifications.
- In a large tube (Buchner’s tube) containing solution of sodium hydroxide, pyrogallic acid is added.
- The Buchner’s tube is then placed inside an air tight jar loaded with inoculated plates and tubes.
b) Mixture of powdered chromium and sulphuric acid
- Instead of alkaline pyrogallol, a mixture of chromium and sulphuric acid can also be used for producing anaerobiosis.
- The two chemicals react in presence of available oxygen and produce chromous sulphate.
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c) Gas pack
- A commercial product is available nowadays.
- It is in the form of a disposable packet of aluminium foil containing pellets of sodium borohydride and cobalt chloride and of citric acid and sodium bicarbonate, is now widely used for preparing anaerobic jars.
- The chemicals generate hydrogen and carbon dioxide inside the jar when water is added.
- Hydrogen combines with oxygen in the presence of catalyst (alumina pellets coated with palladium) present in the under surface of the lid of the jar.
- After the inoculated plates are placed inside a large air-tight jar, it is incubated at 370C.
- This technique is simple and effective.
3) By displacement and combustion of oxygen
- Anaerobiosis is obtained by Mclntosh and Flide’s anaerobic jar.
- It is the most dependable and widely used method.
- Spongy palladium or platinum kept inside jar acts as a catalyzing agent.
- It causes slow combination of hydrogen and oxygen to form water.
- Mclntosh Filde’s jar consists of a 8×5 inches jar of stout glass or metal with a tight fitting metal lid.
- A metal jar is preferable because there is no risk of explosion.
- The lid can be clamped air-tight with a screw and is fitted with two tubes with taps.
- One tap is for introduction of gas inside and the other as an outlet for vacuum valve.
- A capsule containing alumina pellets coated with palladium (palladinized alumina) is suspended under the lid.
- Catalyst active at room temperature is used.
- Culture plates inoculated with specimens are kept inside the jar along with an indicator.
- The lid is screwed tight.
- The inlet tube is closed and the outlet tube is connected to the vacuum pump and at least three quarters of the air of the jar is removed.
- The pressure is reduced to 100 mm Hg which is noted on vacuum gauze.
- The outlet tap is now tightly closed and the inlet tap is connected to a hydrogen supply and then opened.
- Hydrogen is passed through a small wash bottle.
- The reduced pressure is brought up to 760 mm Hg which is monitored on the vacuum gauze as 0.
- The catalyst helps the combination of hydrogen and residual oxygen to form water.
Image source: slideshare
- Reduced methylene blue is generally used as indicator.
- It is mixture of NaOH, methylene blue and glucose.
- It becomes colorless anaerobically but regains blue color on exposure to oxygen.
4) Biological methods
- Aerobic organisms are incubated along with the anaerobic bacteria in order to gain anaerobiosis.
- But this method is slow and ineffective.
- Two blood agar plates of 9cm diameter are taken where one is inoculated with Pseudomonas aeruginosa or Serratia marcescens and the other with specimen of anaerobic organism.
- Two plates are placed one over other and sealed along the rims and incubated.
5) By incorporating reducing agents in media
- Oxygen in culture media can be reduced by 1% glucose, 0.1% thio-glycollate, 0.05% cysteine, 0.1% ascorbic acid and cooked meat pieces.
- The two most widely used anaerobic liquid culture media are:
a) Thio-glycollate broth: it contains nutrient broth and 1% thioglycollate.
b) Robertson’s cooked meat medium
- It consists of nutrient broth and pieces of fat- free minced cooked meat of ox heart.
- It permits the growth of strict anaerobes and preserves delicate organisms.
- Unsaturated fatty acids present in meat utilize oxygen for autooxidation, the reaction is being catalyzed by haematin in the meat.
- Certain reducing substances such as glutathione and cysteine present in meat also utilize oxygen.
- With growth of saccharolytic anaerobes, colour of meat pieces turns red while it becomes black in case of proteolytic anaerobes.
- Before inoculation, the media are boiled in water bath at 800C for half hour to drive out oxygen.
- For strict anaerobiosis, the surface of the medium may be covered with a 1 cm layer of sterile liquid paraffin.