Blood and its composition
red coloured fluid connective tissue. Alkaline and salty in taste (pH 7.35-7.45). 7-8% of body weight. Average volume is 5-6 litres in male and 4-5...
Differences between cartilage and bone
S.N Cartilage S.N Bone 1. It...
Various endocrinal disorders
Hormone Excess Defeciency Growth hormone or somatotrophin hormone (STH) Gigantism in children Acromegaly in adult. Dwarfism. Thyroid stimulating hormone/thyrotropin (TSH) Increases the activity of thyroid...
Types of muscle fibres
Points of difference Unstriped muscles Striped muscles Cardiac muscles 1. location In the walls of hollow internal organs, like stomach, intestine,...
Differences Between Arteries and Veins
S.N Arteries Veins 1. Carry blood away from the heart. Bring blood towards the heart 2. Wall is thick and strong. Wall is thin and...