Category: Basic Biology

Functions of Pancreatic Juice

A digestive juice secreted by pancreas and is the exocrine function of it. Endocrine function is related with secretion of hormones. Has neutralizing action on...

Fungi: Characteristics and Classification

Introduction Study of fungus (yeast and moulds) is called mycology. Derived from Greek word where “mykos” meaning fungus and “logus” means study. Known earlier than...

Nucleus: Structure and Functions

It is one the most important and largest cellular organelle which has a diameter of 10 µm to 22µm occupying about 10% of total volume...

Cell membrane: Structure and Functions

It is a protective outer covering sheath that envelopes the cell body. It is known by other name called plasma lemma and plasma membrane. It...

Preparation of different types of mount

Mounting can be defined as the placing of the specimen or sample(e.g cheek cells) on a glass slide for microscopic observation. There are various ways...

Osmosis: introduction, types and significance

It is a special type of diffusion, which involves the movement of water through a semi-permeable membrane (differentially permeable membrane). The movement of molecules takes...

Proteins: types and functions

Introduction They are an integral part of protoplasm and hence are present in every living cell. They account for 14% part of living and 75%...

Volant adaptations

Introduction Animal inhabiting the aerial environment show many Volant (flying) adaptation for the aerial mode of existence. These animals are known as volant forms. Fishes,...