Differences between mitosis and meiosis
S.N Mitosis Meiosis 1. It occurs in somatic cells. It...
Five kingdom classification and features
The five kingdom system of classification was proposed by R.H Whittaker in 1969. This classification is based on following criteria: Complexity of cell structure- prokaryote...
Important minerals and their functions
Minerals Function Symptoms of deficiency ...
Principal vitamins and its function
Vitamins Function Deficiency A(retinol) Rhodopsin synthesis, normal health of epithelial cells, and bone and tooth growth. Rhodopsin deficiency, night blindness, retarded growth, skin disorders,...
Differences between blood and lymph
S.N Blood Lymph 1. It is red coloured liquid connective tissue due to presence of haemoglobin in RBCs....
Differences between photosynthesis and respiration
S.N Photosynthesis Respiration 1. An anabolic process. A catabolic process. 2. Complex organic food is synthesized from simple inorganic food. Complex organic foods are...
Differences between hormones and enzymes
S.N Hormones ...