Category: Microbiology

Complement Fixation Test

It is one of the immunological medical tests that can be used to detect the presence of either specific antibody or specific antigen in a...

Sulfur Cycle

Sulfur is an essential nutrient for plant as well as animal. It is one of the constituent of many proteins and co-factors. The major reserve...

The Nitrogen cycle

The cyclic movement of nitrogen between atmosphere and living organisms or the exchange of nitrogen between atmosphere and living organisms is known as nitrogen cycle....

Pasteurization in food preservation

It is heat treatment that kills part but not all of the microorganisms present. It usually involves the application of temperatures below 1000C. The heating...

Methods and principles of food preservation

Most kinds of food are readily decomposed by microorganisms unless special methods are used for their preservation. The chief methods of food preservation are as...

Tuberculin Skin test (Mantoux test)

The prevalence of tuberculous infection may be estimated by the use of the tuberculin test in contradistinction to the clinical disease. The positive test indicates...