Stress and Strain: Introduction and Types
Introduction of Stress The restoring force is developed inside the body when deforming force is applied on it. This restoring force per unit area of...
Global Positioning System: Introduction and Principle
Introduction of GPS GPS is a satellite and ground based radio navigation system. It is also called locational system that helps user to determine very...
MCQs of Physics for Medical Entrance Preparation (Part 1)
Here, we present some of the MCQs related to physics that can be helpful for the students who are preparing for various medical subjects like...
Expansion of Liquids
Liquids just like solids expand on heating and contract on cooling. The expansion and contraction in liquids is more than those in solids. The reason...
Atmospheric Humidity
Due to the heat radiations coming from the sun, a huge amount of water on the surface of the earth gets evaporated. When water evaporates,...
Principle of Conservation of Energy
The energy is a conserved quantity. There won’t be any change in the energy of an isolated system. The energy can neither be created nor...
Collisions and Its types
There are many examples of collisions occurring in our daily life. Some of the examples are: A person walking with his head down may collide...
Forms of Binding in Crystals
The constituent particles (atoms or molecules) of a crystal are closely packed and held together by strong mutual force of attraction. This force which exists...
Methods of Heat Transmission
Heat energy can be transmitted from one point (or place) to another point (or place) by three different methods. The following are the methods of...
Capacitor and Its Principle
The charge can stay in the body for some time when the charge is given to that body. The time for which a body can...