Phylum: protozoa
First animals, solitary or colonial and protoplasmic grade of organization. Simple, unicellular microscopic organisms. Generally free living found in fresh water, salt water and damp...
Differences between poikilothermic and homeothermic animals
S.N Poikilothermic animals Homeothermic animals 1. Relatively variable body temperature. Relatively constant body temperature. 2. They are oviparous. Thy may be oviparous or viviparous. 3....
Differences between vertebrates and invertebrates
S.N Vertebrates Invertebrates 1. They have backbone or vertebral column. They do not have backbone or vertebral column. 2. They are the most organized animals...
Differences between Culex and Anopheles mosquitoes
Phase Culex Anopheles Eggs 1. vertically laid in clusters on the surface of water. 1. laid singly and...