Characteristics of Diamagnetic, Paramagnetic and Ferromagnetic substances

A) Diamagnetic Substances and its characteristics

  • Diamagnetic substances are those substances which, in their normal states, have no magnetic moment at all.
  • Antimony, Bismuth, Copper, Gold, Mercury, water, alcohol, Hydrogen are diamagnetic substances.


  1. They are feebly repelled by magnet and magnetic field.
  2. When placed in a magnetic field, they all are weakly magnetized in a direction opposite to that of applied magnetic field.
  3. They tend to move from stronger to weaker magnetic field.
  4. When a diamagnetic bar is suspended freely in a magnetic field, it sets itself at right angle to the applied field.
  5. The flux density inside a diamagnetic substance kept in a magnetic field is slightly less than that in the free space. Hence the relative permeability is slightly less than one.
  6. The susceptibility has small negative value.
  7. The diamagnetic properties of a substance is independent of temperature.
  8. They do not obey Curie’s law.
  9. The diamagnetic liquid level in a limb of a U-tube placed in a magnetic field gets depressed.

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B) Paramagnetic substances and its characteristics

  • Those substances which, in their normal state, have a non-zero magnetic moment are called paramagnetic substances.
  • Aluminum, Chromium, Magnesia, Platinum, Oxygen, solutions of salts of nickel and iron etc. are paramagnetic substances.


  1. They are feebly attracted by magnet and magnetic field.
  2. When placed in a magnetic field, they are weakly magnetized in the direction of applied magnetic field.
  3. They tend to move from weaker to stronger magnetic field.
  4. When a paramagnetic bar is suspended freely in a magnetic field, it sets itself along the applied field.
  5. The flux density inside a paramagnetic substance kept in a magnetic field is slightly greater than that in the free space. Hence the relative permeability is slightly greater than one.
  6. The susceptibility has small positive value.
  7. The paramagnetic properties of a substance depend upon temperature.
  8. The susceptibility decreases with the rise in temperature.
  9. The paramagnetic liquid in a limb of U-tube, placed in a magnetic field is seen to rise.

C) Ferromagnetic substances and its characteristics

  • Those substances which, in their normal states, have magnetic moment of high degree are called ferromagnetic substances.
  • Iron, Cobalt, Nickel, Gadolinium, and their alloys are ferromagnetic substances.


  1. They are strongly attracted by magnet and magnetic field.
  2. When placed even in a weak magnetic field, they are strongly magnetized in the direction of applied magnetic field.
  3. They tend to move quickly from weaker to stronger magnetic field.
  4. When a ferromagnetic bar is suspended freely in a magnetic field, it sets itself quickly along the applied field.
  5. The flux density inside a ferromagnetic substance kept in a magnetic field is larger than that in the free space. Hence the relative permeability is very high.
  6. The susceptibility has large positive value.
  7. With increase in temperature, the ferromagnetism decreases.
  8. The susceptibility decreases with rise in temperature and at a critical temperature, called Curie point, ferromagnetic materials become paramagnetic.





Characteristics of Diamagnetic, Paramagnetic and Ferromagnetic substances