Classification and characteristics of Superclass: Tetrapoda
March 18, 2018
- Tetra-four, podos-feet
- Primarily terrestrial, some are secondarily aquatic.
- Two pairs of pentadactyl limbs.
- Body covered by an exoskeleton of epidermal hair, feathers or scales.
- Lungs are main respiratory organs. Amphibian may respire by gills, skin or lungs.
- 3 or 4 chambered heart present.
- They are divided into 4 classes:
Class 2: Amphibia
- Amphi-dual; bios-life.
- Dual mode of life, can live in water or on land.
- First chordates to live out of water.
- Occupy intermediate space between the fish and reptiles.
- Cold blooded vertebrates with two pairs of limbs, fore limbs are smaller than hind limbs.
- Have smooth and moist skin with many glands, scales absent.
- Two nostrils connected with the buccal cavity.
- Heart is three chambered with two auricles and one ventricle.
- RBCs are oval, biconvex and nucleated.
- Breathe by buccal cavity, lungs and skin. The tadpole larva respire by gills.
- Head and trunk are body parts.
- Show hibernation (winter sleep) and aestivation (summer sleep).
- Moveable eyelids are present in the eyes. Tympanic membrane is found in some cases.
- Endoskeleton is large and bony.
- Ten pairs of cranial nerves present in the brain.
- Metamorphosis is present which includes tadpole stage.
- Examples: Rana (frog), Bufo (toad), Hyla, etc.
Image source: britannica
Class 3: Reptilia
- crept- creeping.
- Dry, horny scaly skin.
- Show creeping movement.
- Cold blooded animals, terrestrial or aquatic.
- Two pairs of pentadactyl limbs. In snakes and some lizards limbs are secondarily lost.
- Heart is imperfectly four or completely four chambered.
- Respiration always by lungs.
- Twelve pairs of cranial nerves present.
- RBC is oval, biconvex and nucleated.
- Fertilization is internal. Sexes are separate and shows sexual dimorphism.
- Eggs are large with much yolk in leathery or limy shells.
- There is no metamorphosis.
- Examples: cobra, krait, crocodiles.
Image source: wikipedia
Class 4: Aves (birds)
- Streamlined body present to reduce the resistance during flight.
- Body is covered with feathers.
- Forelimbs modified to wings, covered with feathers.
- Hind-limbs are suited for walking and perching.
- Show better flight adaptation.
- Bones are pneumatic i.e. bones are light, porous with air cavities to reduce the body weight.
- Heart is four chambered. RBC is oval, biconvex and nucleated.
- Air sacs are present.
- Warm blooded animals.
- Twelve pairs of cranial nerves present.
- Have large eyes and a strong sense of light.
- Lungs are compact, attached to ribs.
- Lungs have air sacs which help in double respiration.
- Oviparous, eggs have large yolk covered with hard horny shell.
- Right ovary and right oviducts are disappeared reducing the body weight.
- Sexes are separate.
- Fertilization is internal.
Examples: Crow, Pigeon, Parrot, etc.
Class 5: Mammalia (mammals)
- Highly developed animals with a much advance brain.
- Body usually covered with hairs.
- Mammary glands are present so called mammals.
- Includes diverse group of animals from tiny mice to huge whale.
- Viviparous in nature i.e. give birth to young ones except class Prototheria (platypus, spiny ant eater).
- Senses of sight, hearing and smell are well developed.
- Fore limbs and hind limbs are usually present except cetaceans and sirenians.
- Various types of teeth present for cutting, tearing or grinding.
- Mammal’s skull is unique, brain is more complex.
- The parental care is much highly developed and maximum in human.
- Feet with five toes for various purposes.
- Can fly, glide, jump, swim, burrow and dive.
- Respiration takes place by lungs.
- Heart is four chambered: two auricles and two ventricles.
- External ear or pinnae is present.
- Red blood cells are small, biconvex and nonnucleated except camel.
- Muscular diaphragm separates the thoracic cavity with the abdominal cavity.
- Twelve pairs of cranial nerves present.
- Warm blooded animals.
- Sexes are separate, fertilization is internal.
- More successful and more dominant animals of today.
Examples: man, monkey, lion, whale, etc.
Classification and characteristics of Superclass: Tetrapoda
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About The Author
Shailesh Koirala
I am Shailesh Koirala