Differences between cartilage and bone

S.N                      Cartilage S.N                   Bone
1. It is comparatively soft, elastic and flexible. 1. It is hard, rigid and inelastic.
2. It consists of cartilage cells called chondrocytes. 2. It consists of osteocytes.
3. The matrix does not contain the deposition of calcium phosphates. 3. The matrix and the bone cells contain the depositions of phosphates and carbonates of calcium.
4. The matrix has the protein chondrin. 4. The matrix has the protein ossein.
5. The matrix lacks blood vessels. The matrix has a network of blood vessels.
6. Canaliculi absent. 6. Canaliculi present.
7. It lacks Haversian canal systems. 7. A number of Haversian canal systems present in along bone.
8. Due to absence of bone marrow, it does not help in formation of RBCs 8. Due to presence of bone marrow, it helps in formation of RBCs.
9. Each lacuna has 2-3 cartilage cells. 9. Each lacuna encloses a single bone cell.
10. The matrix is not arranged in lamellae. 10. The matrix is arranged in concentric lamellae
11. Found in the ear, nose, larynx, trachea, ribs, and joints 11. Form the skeleton.
12. Cartilage is of three types: Hyaline cartilage, Fibro cartilage, and elastic cartilage. 12. Bones are either compact or spongy. They are classified as long, short, flat, irregular, etc.
13. Growth is unidirectional. 13. Growth is bidirectional.

Bone vs. Cartilage – Diffzi

                                                                     Image source: diffzi


i) https://www.orthocarolina.com/media/cartilage-101–what-is-cartilage-and-what-does-it-do

ii) https://www.diffen.com/difference/Bone_vs_Cartilage

iii) https://diffzi.com/bone-vs-cartilage/

Differences between cartilage and bone