Differences between mitosis and meiosis

S.N                        Mitosis         Meiosis
1. It occurs in somatic cells. It occurs in sex cells.
2. Two daughter cells are produced. Four daughter cells are produced.
3. Each daughter cell contains diploid chromosomes. Each daughter cell contains haploid chromosomes.
4 No pairing or synapsis of homologous chromosome. Pairing or synapsis of homologous chromosomes occurs.
5. No chiasma formation or crossing over. Chiasma forms and crossing over occurs.
6. Helps in growth and differentiation. Helps in continuity of species.
7. The whole process complete in one sequence or phase after one round of DNA replication. The whole process completes in two successive divisions which occur one after the other.
8. The prophase is of short duration. The prophase is of long duration.
9 Prophase has no any sub stages. Prophase has six sub stages.
10. Duplication of chromosomes takes place in the early prophase. Duplication or splitting of chromosomes occur in late prophase.
11. The chromosome number remains the same in the newly formed daughter cells. Chromosome number is reduced to half in the newly formed daughter cells.
12. The exchange of genetic material between the homologous chromosomes does not occur. The exchange of genetic materials takes place between the chromatids of homologous chromosomes.
13. Single nuclear and cellular division. Two nuclear and cellular division.
14. Interphase always occurs between two mitosis. No specific interphase before the second meiotic division.

Cellular Division: Mitosis and Meiosis (Video & Fact Sheet)

Image source: mometrix


i) https://www.mometrix.com/academy/cellular-division-mitosis-and-meiosis/

ii) https://askabiologist.asu.edu/cell-division

Differences between mitosis and meiosis