Differences between poikilothermic and homeothermic animals

S.N Poikilothermic animals Homeothermic animals
1. Relatively variable body temperature. Relatively constant body temperature.
2. They are oviparous. Thy may be oviparous or viviparous.
3. Most of them have gills for respiration. They have lungs for respiration.
4. They have 2 or 3 chambered heart except crocodile. They have four chambered heart.
5. Their skin is covered with waterproof scales or are naked. Their skin is covered with either hair or feathers.
6. They are called cold blooded animals. They are called warm blooded animals.
7. Include class pisces, amphibia and reptilia. Include class aves and mammalia.
8. Temperature of habitat or environment effect their body temperature. Temperature of habitat or environment has no effect on body temperature.
9. They are also called ectotherms. They are also called endotherms.
10. Examples: fish, frog, snake, etc. Examples: bird, cow, man, etc.

Cold-blooded vs Warm-blooded animals- Definition, 16 Differences, Examples

Image source: thebiologynotes


i) https://brainly.in/question/15291683?msp_poc_exp=4

ii) https://www.sarthaks.com/895017/distinguish-between-poikilothermic-and-homeothermic

iii) https://worldoceanreview.com/en/wor-6/polar-flora-and-fauna/living-in-the-cold/homoeothermic-or-poikilothermic/

Differences between poikilothermic and homeothermic animals