Differences between vertebrates and invertebrates

S.N Vertebrates Invertebrates
1. They have backbone or vertebral column. They do not have backbone or vertebral column.
2. They are the most organized animals on the earth. They are not organized as vertebrates.
3. They consist of single phylum. They consist of eight phylum.
4. They have internal skeleton. Internal skeleton absent.
5. They have two pairs of limbs. They have three or more pairs of limbs.
6. Heart is on the ventral side of the body. Heart if present, is on the dorsal side of the body.
7. Nerve cord is dorsal and hollow. Nerve cord is ventral and solid.
8. Haemoglobin in red blood cells. Haemoglobin, if present, dissolved.
9. A tail is usually present. Tail is absent.
10. Less than 10% of animals on the earth. Over 90% of animals on the earth.
11. They have notochord during embryonic period. They do not have notochord.
12. They are large sized animals. They are small and slowly moving animals.
13. Pharynx has pharyngeal clefts that help in breathing. They do not have pharyngeal clefts.
14. They have a closed circulatory system. Most have an open circulatory system.
15. They have hepatic portal system. They do not have such system.
16. Skin consists of epidermis and dermis layer. Skin consists of a single layer.
17. Eyes are an outgrowth from the brain. Eyes are an outgrowth from the skin.
18. Do not have compound eyes. They have compound eyes.
19. They are mostly unisexual. They may be unisexual or bisexual (hermaphrodite).

24 Differences between Invertebrates and Vertebrates

                                                                            Image source: thebiologynotes




ii) https://www.vedantu.com/biology/difference-between-vertebrates-and-invertebrates

Differences between vertebrates and invertebrates