Mycorrhizae: Types and Benefits
May 20, 2019
- The mutualistic association of plant roots and fungi is known as mycorrhizae.
- There are generally two types of mycorrhizae. They are:
A) Ecto-mycorrhizae
- In this type, fungal cells form an extensive sheath around the outside of the root and there is only a little penetration into the root tissue itself.
- These are found mostly in forest trees, especially conifers, beeches, and oaks.
- These are most developed in boreal and temperate forests.
- Almost every root of every tree is mycorrhizal in this type of forests.
- The root system of mycorrhizal tree such as pine (genus Pinus) is composed of both long and short roots.
- The short roots of Pinus are dichotomously branched which show typical fungal colonization and long roots are also frequently colonized.
- The fungal mycelium becomes deeply embedded within the root tissue in this type.
- These are more common than ecto-mycorrhizae.
- Arbuscular mycorrhizae is one of the type of endomycorrhizae that are found in the roots of over 80% of all terrestrial plant species so far examined.
- Most mycorrhizal fungi do not catabolize cellulose and other leaf litter polymers.
- They only catabolize simple carbohydrates and typically have one or more vitamins requirements.
- They obtain their carbon from secretions of the roots and get inorganic mineral from the soil.
- They are rarely found in nature except in association with the roots.
- Many of them are obligate symbionts as well.
- They produce plant growth substances that induce morphological alterations in the roots which stimulate the formation of mycorrhizal state.
- Despite the close relationship between fungus and root, a single species of Pine can form a mycorrhizal association with over 40 species of fungi.
- The benefits of mycorrhizal fungus can be best observed in poor soils where trees that are mycorrhizal thrive but non-mycorrhizal ones do not.
- Trees planted in prairie soils which ordinarily lack a suitable fungal inoculum grow much more rapidly when artificially inoculated at the time of planting than un-inoculated trees.
- The mycorrhizal plant can absorb nutrients from its environment more efficiently and thus have a competitive advantage.
- For example, in the pine seedling, the overwhelming part of the absorptive capacity of the plant root system is due to ecto-mycorrhizal fungal mycelium.
- In addition to helping the plants absorb nutrients, they have also a significant role in supporting plant diversity.
- A positive correlation between the abundance and diversity of mycorrhizae in a soil has clearly been shown by field experiments.
- The experiments have also shown the extent of the plant diversity that develops in such environment.
- Thus, mycorrhizae are considered to be a true mutualistic symbiosis.
- The mycorrhizal plants are better able to function physiologically and compete successfully in a species rich plant community where the fungus benefits from a steady supply of organic nutrients.