Differences between action potential and graded potential
S.N Action potential S.N Graded potential 1. It is the electrical potential change that occurs when impulse transmits along the membrane of the nerve or...
Cough, sneezing and swallowing reflexes
Introduction These are collectively called respiratory protective reflexes. Protects lungs and air passage from foreign particles. These reflexes modify respiratory process so that elimination of foreign...
Non-respiratory functions of respiratory tract
Various non-respiratory functions are also shown by respiratory tract. Not only gaseous exchange that is the primary function of it. Lungs show defense barrier and...
Heart Failure: Introduction and Types
INTRODUCTION OF HEART FAILURE Heart failure is also called cardiac failure. It is a condition where heart fails to supply sufficient amount of blood. This condition...
Functions of Pancreatic Juice
A digestive juice secreted by pancreas and is the exocrine function of it. Endocrine function is related with secretion of hormones. Has neutralizing action on...
Differences between Action potential and Graded potential
S.N Action potential S.N Graded potential 1. It is the electrical potential change that...
Functions of Saliva
Saliva is a secretion of salivary glands. Contains maximum water content (99.5%) and 0.5% solids. Includes solid content like organic, inorganic and gases also. Various...
Fungi: Characteristics and Classification
Introduction Study of fungus (yeast and moulds) is called mycology. Derived from Greek word where “mykos” meaning fungus and “logus” means study. Known earlier than...
Auto immunity: Introduction and Mechanism
Introduction A condition resulted by the action of antibodies or immunologically competent cells. Cause structural or functional damage of the normal components of the body....
Differences between Salk type (IPV) and Sabin type (OPV) vaccine
The differences between Salk and Sabin type vaccine are as follows: S.N Salk type (IPV) S.N Sabin type (OPV) 1. Stands for inactivated polio vaccine....