Principal vitamins and its function

Vitamins            Function Deficiency A(retinol) Rhodopsin synthesis, normal health of epithelial cells, and bone and tooth growth. Rhodopsin deficiency, night blindness, retarded growth, skin disorders,...

Differences between blood and lymph

S.N            Blood      Lymph 1. It is red coloured liquid connective tissue due to presence of haemoglobin in RBCs....

Differences between antigens and antibodies

S.N Antigens Antibodies 1. Commonly called “antibodies generating chemicals” or immunogens. Commonly called immunoglobulins. 2. Both proteinous or polysachharides. Always proteinous in nature. 3. They...

Comparison of various classes of algae

       Chlorophyceae    Phaeophyceae      Rhodophyceae Commonly known as green algae. Commonly known as brown algae. Commonly known as red algae. Mostly...

Differences between Culex and Anopheles mosquitoes

     Phase                  Culex                    Anopheles                   Eggs 1. vertically laid in clusters on the surface of water. 1. laid singly and...