Roots and its modification
- Downward growing part of the vascular plant is called root.
- Root can also be aerial or aerating, that is, growing up above the ground or especially above water.
- Therefore, the root is best defined as the non-leaf, non-nodes bearing parts of the plant’s body.
- On the germination of seed the first root arises from the radicle of the embryo. This is called the primary root.
- There are various types of root. But, generally it is of two types. They are: Tap root and adventitious root.
- Root has various functions. Some of them are:
- Absorption of water and inorganic nutrients.
- Anchoring of the plant body to the ground, and supporting it.
- Storage of food and nutrients.
- Translocation of water and minerals to the stem.
- In response to the concentration of nutrients, roots also synthesize cytokinin, which acts as a signal as to how fast the shoots can grow.
Modification of roots:
- The normal type of root is modified variously to perform many functions.
- This helps the plant to survive in surrounding environment which is known as the modification of root.
A) Modification of Tap root
- It is the normal tap root modified to store the food material.
- It changes its shape and size due to accumulation of food materials.
- According to their shape, they are classified into following types:
1) Fusiform root
- It is spindle shaped root with middle part swollen and gradually tapering towards the both ends.
- e.g., Radish.
2) Napiform root
- The upper part of the root becomes almost globular due to maximum swelling.
- It tapers sharply towards the lower ends.
- e.g., Turnip, Beet root.
3) Conical root
- Broad at the base and gradually tapers towards the apex like a cone.
- e.g., Carrot.
4) Tuberous
- Thick and fleshy root with a definite shape.
- e.g., 4 O’ clock plant.
Image source: quora
B) Modifications of Adventitious root
- They are modified to perform various functions such as storage of food, support, assimilation and other important functions.
1) For storage of food
a) Tuberous root
- This is a swollen root without any definite shape.
- It appears singly.
- e.g., Ipomoea.
b) Annulated root
- Root modified to form a series of ring-like swelling or annuli on its body.
- e.g., Ipecacuanha.
c) Nodulated root
- Root becomes suddenly swollen at or near the apex.
- e.g., mango, ginger.
d) Fasciculated root
- Several roots appear in cluster at the base of the stem.
- e.g., Dahlia, Asparagus, etc.
e) Moniliform or Beaded
- Roots swell at regular intervals giving a beaded appearance.
- e.g., Momordica, Portulaca, Indian Spinach, etc.
2) For mechanical support
a) Prop root
- These are the roots arising from the main stem and branches of a tree.
- They grow vertically or obliquely downwards to the soil.
- They provide support to the plant body.
- Look like pillars and allow tree to grow in large area.
- e.g., Banyan tree.
Image source: learninsta
b) Stilt root
- The lower nodes above the ground level give rise to a ring of stout and slender roots; stilt roots.
- They grow obliquely downwards into the soil and give support to the stem.
- e.g., Maize, Sugarcane, Pandanus.
c) Climbing root
- Roots developing from the nodes and internodes of the many tropical climbers is known as climbing roots.
- They attach themselves to any support and help in climbing.
- e.g., Piper betel, P. longum, etc.
3) For vital functions
a) Haustorium or sucking root
- Parasitic plants develop a peg-like structure known as haustoria.
- The haustoria penetrate the living host tissue and absorb food by sucking.
- They have no root cap.
- e.g., Cuscuta.
b) Epiphytic root
- Epiphytic plant develops a special kind of aerial roots.
- These roots contain spongy tissue called velamen.
- The cells of velamen are dead and empty, which help in absorption of moisture from the air.
- e.g., Orchid.
c) Respiratory root or Pneumatophores
- Some plants growing in marshy places and salt lakes produce special roots which grow vertically upward from the underground roots.
- They usually develop above the level of water around the trunk of the tree.
- They have numerous aerating pores that help in respiration.
- e.g., Jussiaea, Rhizophora, etc.
d) Assimilatory roots
- Long slender hanging root develop from the branches in some plants.
- They contain chlorophyll and carry out photosynthesis.
- e.g., Trapa, Tinospora, etc.
e) Floating root
- Spongy roots of some hydrophytic plants are known as floating roots.
- They store air and help in buoyancy.
- e.g., Pistea, Jussiaea, etc.
f) Mycorrhizal root
- It is found in gymnosperms.
- The younger portions of the tap root become closely invested by the hyphae of a fungus.
- They lead symbiotic life, as the fungus helps in absorbing minerals and water and in turn the plant root provides the organic food.
- e.g., roots of Pinus, Cycas, etc.
floating roots mycorrhizal roots