Seed and its structure

Introduction of Seed

  • The seed is a ripened ovule developed after fertilization.
  • It consists of an embryo and reserve food surrounded by seed coat.
  • The food may be stored in the cotyledons of embryo in non-endospermic or ex-albuminous seeds (e.g.pea, grams, bean) or in a special tissue of seed, called endosperm in endospermic or albuminous seed (e.g. castor, maize).

Structure of Dicotyledonous Seed (Gram)

  • The seed is covered by two distinct layers of seed coats, testa and tegmen.
  • Testa is the outer seed coat which is smooth, thick, impermeable and may be coloured.
  • Tegmen is the inner seed coat which is a thin membranous and hyaline.
  • The seed coats provide necessary protection to the embryo.
  • The seed coat contains a narrow elongated scar representing the point of attachment of seed to its stalk.
  • It is called hilum.
  • At one end of hilum is found a minute pore, known as micropyle.
  • The opposite end of hilum is continued into a narrow ridge which is called raphe.
  • Inner to the seed coats is embryo.
  • A typical dicot embryo consists of a short axis with two cotyledons.
  • The cotyledons are attached laterally to the embryonal axis.
  • The portion of the axis lying outside the cotyledons, bent inward and directed towards the micropyle is the radicle.
  • The other portion of the axis lying in between the two cotyledons is the plumule.
  • On germination of the radicle gives rise to the root and the plumule to the shoot.
  • The cotyledons store up food materials.
  • The region of embryo axis between the radicle and its point of attachment to the cotyledon is called hypocotyl.
  • Similarly the region of embryo axis between the plumule and its point of attachment is called the epicotyl.

Image result for dicot seed      Image result for dicot seed


Structure of Monocotyledonous Seed (Maize)

  • A maize grain is a single seeded fruit called caryopsis.
  • The seed coat and the wall of the fruit are fused together to form a thin layer around the whole grain.
  • The seed coat surrounds the endosperm and the embryo.
  • In longitudinal section, the grain shows two unequal portions separated by a definite epithelium.
  • Endosperm is the bigger portion occupying the major portion of the seed which stores starch, protein and oil.
  • The endosperm is externally surrounded by a portion sheath called aleurone.
  • The smaller portion is the embryo which lies on one side of the grain in a distinctly marked area.
  • The embryo consists of one shield shaped cotyledon, known as scutellum and a short axis.
  • The upper portion of the axis with minute leaves is called plumule and the lower end is called the radicle.
  • The plumule is covered by a protective sheath, the coleoptile whereas the radicle has two protective sheaths
  • The inner sheath is root cap and the outer sheath is known as coleorhiza.
  • On germination the radicle gives rise to the root and the plumule to the shoot.

Draw a diagram of monocot embryo - Biology - Sexual Reproduction in  Flowering Plants - 13593155 |

Image source: meritnation




Seed and its structure