Characteristics and economic importance of Solanaceae (potato family)
1. Diagnostic features Rarely trees, mostly herbs or shrubs. Leaves- simple, alternate in the vegetative parts and opposite in the floral region, ex-stipulate, petiolate or...
Characteristics and economic importance of Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)
1. Diagnostic features Herbaceous, exstipulate, alternate leaves. Inflorescence- typical racemose type. Flowers- ebracteate and bisexual, Calyx-4, freely arranged in two whorls, Corolla-4, cruciform, Stamens-6, tetradynamous....
Characteristics and economic importance of family Malvaceae (Mallow Family)
1.Diagnostic Features Mostly annual or perennial herbs, sometimes shrubs (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) or trees. Stem possesses mucilage and stellate hairs. Leaves alternate and stipulate (stipules often...