Tag: phagocytosis

Yersinia pestis: Introduction and morphology

Introduction Formerly known as Pasteurella pestis. Falls in family enterobacteriaceae. Discovered in Honkong in 1894 AD by Yersin and Kitasato. Important medical species are Y.pestis,...

Mononuclear Phagocyte System

There are a series of cells that are distributed throughout the body that have shared the property of being able to phagocytose unwanted matter entering...

Phagocytosis and its process

Introduction The process of ingestion of bacteria or other material by phagocytes and amoeboid protozoans is called phagocytosis. Macrophages and neutrophils show a high capacity...

Immunodeficiency and its type

Introduction Immunodeficiency diseases are condition where the defense mechanism of the body is impaired lading to repeated microbial infections of varying severity and sometimes enhanced...

Various functions of liver

Liver performs a number of functions. Due to its function, it is also called master laboratory of the body. It is an important organ for...