Phloem (Bast) and its elements
It is a living, non-lignified tissue which is also called bast. Its main function is to transport organic food inside the plant body from the...
Characteristics of Pteridophytes and its’ similarities with Bryophytes and Gymnosperms
Truly land plant with a well-developed vascular system. Also called vascular cryptogams. Sporophyte is the main plant body which reproduces by the spores. It has...
Differences between xylem and phloem
S.N Xylem Phloem 1. Made up of dead cells except xylem parenchyma. Made up of living cells except phloem fibres. 2. Conducts water and minerals...
Differences between dicot and monocot plants
S.N Characters Dicot plants Monocot plants 1. Cotyledon Two ...