Differences between antigens and antibodies

S.N Antigens Antibodies
1. Commonly called “antibodies generating chemicals” or immunogens. Commonly called immunoglobulins.
2. Both proteinous or polysachharides. Always proteinous in nature.
3. They are present on the cell membrane. They are present in the plasma.
4. These stimulate the immunity of the body. These protect the body from infections.
5. May be a foreign substance or produced by the body itself. They are always produced by the body.
6. They induce the production of antibodies. They inactivate the antigen.
7. The four types include exogenous antigens, endogenous antigens, autoantigens and neoantigens. The five types include IgM, IgG, IgD, IgA, IgE.
8. The part of antigen that combines with antibody is called epitope. The part of antibody that recognizes the epitope is called paratope.
9. High complexity in structure (simple to complex). ‘Y’ shaped structure with four polypeptide chains.
10. Cause disease or allergic reactions. Protects the body by immobilization or lysis of antigenic material.


i) https://www.healthline.com/health/infection/antigen-vs-antibody

ii) https://microbiologyinfo.com/differences-between-antigen-and-antibody/

Differences between antigens and antibodies