Differences between organic fertilizers and chemical fertilizers


S.N Organic fertilizers Chemical fertilizers.
1. They are obtained by decomposition of animal remains and plant residues. They are made from chemicals.
2. They are less rich in nutrients. They are rich in nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorous, etc.
3. They are absorbed slowly by plants. They are easily and rapidly absorbed by plants.
4. They are slightly soluble in water. They are readily soluble in water.
5. They are not nutrient specific. They are nutrient specific.
6. They provide humus to the soil. They do not provide humus to the soil.
7. They do not cause water pollution. They are responsible for water pollution.
8. They restore soil texture. They do not restore soil texture.
9. They maintain the quality of the soil like aeration and retention of moisture. They degrade the quality of the soil causing poor aeration and retention of moisture.
10. Split application is not useful. Split doses can be applied.
11. No scope for foliar spray. Some of them can be applied as foliar spray.
12. There is no scope for fixation of nutrients in the soil complex. Scope for fixation of nutrients in the soil complex.
13. They are ecofriendly. They are not ecofriendly.
14. They are biodegradable. They are non biodegradable.
15. They are cheap and easily available. They are expensive and should be bought.


i) https://homeguides.sfgate.com/inorganic-fertilizer-vs-organic-fertilizer-39528.html

ii) https://atlanticfertilisers.co.za/2020/06/29/organic-vs-inorganic-fertiliser/

iii) https://www.differencebetween.com/difference-between-organic-and-vs-inorganic-fertilizer/

Differences between organic fertilizers and chemical fertilizers